black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Asesoría Legal Especializada

Abogado civil que Brindo apoyo en asuntos civiles, responsabilidad civil y accidentes de tránsito.

Responsabilidad Civil

Expertos en asuntos civiles, de responsabilidad civil y del estado.

Audiencias de transito, reclamaciones al SOAT y aseguradoras

conciliaciones en todo los asuntos y mediación en conflictos legales, estatuto del consumidor, registro de marcas, contratos.
Expertos en Accidentes de transito


Abogado especializado en responsabilidad civil y del estado, ofreciendo asesorías legales y temas comerciales, registros de marcas, contratos y acompañamiento en accidentes de tránsito.

brown wooden chairs inside building
brown wooden chairs inside building

Servicios Legales

Ofrecemos asesorías en responsabilidad civil, accidentes de tránsito y conciliaciones legales personalizadas.

A close-up view of an exterior building wall with horizontal paneling painted in a soft pink color. The central focus is a large rectangular plaque stating 'LAW OFFICE 823' in bold letters. The paneling and design suggest a historical or vintage style.
A close-up view of an exterior building wall with horizontal paneling painted in a soft pink color. The central focus is a large rectangular plaque stating 'LAW OFFICE 823' in bold letters. The paneling and design suggest a historical or vintage style.
Acompañamiento y asesoría en todo tipo de negocios como compra y venta de inmuebles.

Brindamos apoyo legal en contratos de compraventa, sesión, arrendamientos y promesas de venta.

Estatuto del consumidor

reclamaciones por garantía, compras y ventas por internet, derechos de retracto, registro de marcas, todo tipo de reclamaciones ante la Superintendencia de Comercio (SIC)

El abogado Alex Giraldo me brindó un excelente acompañamiento en mi caso de responsabilidad civil. Su experiencia y dedicación fueron fundamentales para lograr una resolución favorable.

Juan Pérez

A monochromatic indoor scene featuring a consultation area with a modern design. Two people are seated at a long wooden table, working on laptops, while another person stands nearby. Bookshelves are visible beneath the table, and a sign reads 'Consultation Specialisee'. Overhead lighting and glass partitions add to the contemporary architectural style.
A monochromatic indoor scene featuring a consultation area with a modern design. Two people are seated at a long wooden table, working on laptops, while another person stands nearby. Bookshelves are visible beneath the table, and a sign reads 'Consultation Specialisee'. Overhead lighting and glass partitions add to the contemporary architectural style.



A modern courthouse with large glass windows reflecting the surroundings. The entrance is marked with pillars displaying intricate designs. Several people are walking and gathering near the entrance, wearing formal and casual attire. The evening light casts warm tones on the building.
A modern courthouse with large glass windows reflecting the surroundings. The entrance is marked with pillars displaying intricate designs. Several people are walking and gathering near the entrance, wearing formal and casual attire. The evening light casts warm tones on the building.

Estoy aquí para brindarle asesoría legal en temas civiles, comerciales y accidentes de tránsito. ¡Hablemos!